Add Missing Snapshot Placeholders

Use these steps to add missing snapshot placeholders to the Projects Snapshot tab grid.

A snapshot is missing when a project schedule is not uploaded in the Submittals view by the Window Close Date. As a project owner, you may want to see the snapshots that are missing from the project. You may also want to be able to enter the benchmark attributes for missing snapshot periods.
There are two ways to add missing snapshots to a project:
  • Use the steps below to add a snapshot placeholder. This does not upload a schedule but it does allow you to enter the benchmark attributes for the missing snapshot periods.
  • Upload a schedule for a prior period. If you are the owner, owner-delegate, or in the SYSADMIN group, you can upload a schedule for a period that has already closed. In addition to the schedule that you upload, Touchstone also adds snapshot placeholders on the Snapshots tab for any other missing snapshots.
Note: You must have a Contract Start Date (Project's Overview tab) in order to add missing snapshots.

To add missing snapshots:

  1. In the Navigation pane, in Hubs, click Projects.
  2. If you are in the List view, click Switch to Detail View in the top right corner of the view.
  3. Use the Project Search feature at the top of the view to search for and select the project to which you want to add the missing snapshots.
  4. On the Snapshot tab, click Other Actions > Add Missing Snapshots.
  5. On the Add Missing Project Snapshots dialog box, select the date range for which you want the missing snapshots and click OK.
    The From date cannot be earlier than the Contract Start Date (Project's Overview tab) and the To date cannot be later than today.

    Touchstone adds the missing snapshots to the grid. A message at the top of the screen tells you how many snapshots were added.

    For each missing snapshot:
    • The Window Close Date column displays the close date
    • The Status column displays Missing
    • The Last Updated column displays today's date
    • The Updated By column displays the logged in user's name
    • The Uploaded column is blank since no file was uploaded

After the missing snapshots are added, you can edit the benchmark attributes on each one.